Air Conditioning Replacement in Madison, NJ

Air Conditioning Replacement in Madison, NJ.
Condenser Replacement in Madison, NJ

Replaced the Condenser
Thermostat Replacement in Madison, NJ

Replaced the thermostat
Condenser Replacement in Madison, NJ

Replaced the Condenser
New Lennox Air Handler in Madison, NJ

A frequent customer of Pipe Works Services called in regarding her air conditioning unit not turning on. The customer stated the thermostat was working but the communication between the thermostat and and unit was not. Pipe Works Services technician Zach was able to diagnose that the coil pan was cracked and the unit needed to be replaced. Our System Design Specialist Rob M provided all the options to the customer. Pipe Works Services technicians Nick, Odin, Ryan and Ramito installed a 4 ton Lennox Condenser, and Lennox Air Handler.