Greenbrook Hot Water Heater in Greenbrook, NJ

Water Heater Install
Install Premium Water Heating System
Isolation control system renovation
High pressure expansion safety system installation
Upgrade to leak protection safety pan
Automated leak protection system
Audible water protection system
Fuel delivery and exhaust system rejuvenation
Water connection system renovation
Standard code upgrades
New Bradford White Power Vent Water Heater in Long Hill, NJ

A facility in Long Hill, NJ called into Pipe Works Services because he had 2 hot water heaters, one of which was leaking and they both didn’t have a shut off valve. This means it could not be manually shut off individually, meaning the whole house would have to have the water shut off to repair or replace the heaters. The copper pipes supplying the water were also in bad shape as well. Pipe Works Services technician Mario installed a 75 gallon Bradford White power vent water heater, and added new shut offs to the hot outlet side for isolation of 2 water heaters. Mario also installed a new expansion safety system which protects the expansion of air in the water heater, and disposed of the old water heater.
Water Heater Venting Replacement in Morristown, NJ

A customer in Morristown, NJ called into Pipe Works Services about their water heater failing inspection. Pipe Works Services technician Mario was dispatched to see exactly what was going on. Mario diagnosed the venting was not changed from 3 inch smoke pipe to 4 inch smoke pipe. Most town coding requires this to be changed when replacing a water heater. Mario was able to replace it so the water heater venting was up to code and able to vent properly when in use.
Water Heater Replacement in Morristown, NJ

Water heater replacement
Water Heater Replacement in Morristown, NJ.

Water Heater Replacement