Thanks to modern technology, today’s heat pumps do more than just cool your house. Heat-pump air conditioning also allows you to keep your house warm in the winter. These dual-purpose units are more energy efficient than a standard split-system air conditioning system and are most effective in locales that have moderate temperatures year-round. Switching from a conventional unit is a proven money and energy saver. Here are some features to look for if you are thinking about changing to heat-pump air conditioning. Two-speed compressors: Contrary to a standard unit that performs at full capacity, a two-speed compressor lets your heat pump function closer to the heating or cooling capacity required at any given time. This will save you electrical energy and reduce the wear on your compressor. Two-speed compressors work well with zone control systems, too. By using automatic dampers, these units keep different rooms at different temperatures. Desuperheaters: Heat pumps equipped with desuperheaters use secondary or waste heat to heat water. A heat-pump air conditioner with this feature can heat water nearly three times more efficiently than a tank electric water heater. Dual-speed or variable-speed motors: Some heat pumps have these types of motors on their blowers (indoor fans), outdoor fans, or both. The fan’s variable-speed control allows the air to circulate at a comfortable speed thereby reducing cool drafts and increasing your electrical savings. Scroll compressor: A heat pump with this feature uses two spiral-shaped scrolls to compact the refrigerant by forcing it into progressively smaller spaces. Scroll compressors have a longer life span and make less noise than piston compressors. Pipe Works Services is proud to serve the residents of New Jersey. We are always ready to answer your questions about heat-pump air conditioning and other HVAC equipment. We will point you in the right direction and help with installing and maintaining our equipment. Call us any time or visit our website for more information. Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Pipe Works Services serves Chatham, NJ, and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website.