Regular maintenance for your heat-pump air conditioning system is essential to comfortably survive our New Jersey summers. To ensure that your heat pumps are properly maintained, a trained professional should be used. A professional technician performing yearly preventive heat pump maintenance should: Clean indoor and outdoor coils, ensuring that they are unobstructed Inspect for air leaks in ductwork Ensure proper airflow through ducts Check refrigerant levels Inspect for leaking refrigerant Verify that all electric terminals are securely connected Lubricate moving parts Verify thermostat accuracy Change air filter media An efficient heat pump will use up to 25 percent less energy than one that is clunking along on its own. In addition, well-maintained heat pumps will last longer than neglected ones. This offers considerable savings. At Pipe Works Services, we offer annual maintenance contracts called Protection Service Agreements. Customers receive discounted rates, priority service, and precision tune-ups. Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Pipe Works Services serves Chatham, NJ, and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website.